What is the procedure for periodontal therapy

What Is the Procedure for Periodontal Therapy?

Periodontal or gum disease is commonly associated with a buildup of bacterial plaque and tartar buildup around the gums, which releases harmful acids that irritate the gums, leading to inflammation. Gum disease often starts as gingivitis, characterized by sore, swollen, red gums that bleed easily.

The gum infection spreads deep under the gums without prompt treatment, leading to periodontitis, often characterized by receding gums, bone loss, and tooth loss. Untreated periodontitis can also lead to serious health complications like heart disease.

Fortunately, you can prevent these complications with prompt gum disease diagnosis and treatment. Periodontal therapy plays a crucial role in managing or stopping the progression of gum disease. This article will discuss the symptoms of gum disease to watch out for and what to expect during gum therapy in Concord, NH.

Understanding the Symptoms of Gum Disease

Healthy gums should be comfortable, pink-in-color, and fit snugly around your teeth. You should consult our periodontist in Concord, NH if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Sore, tender, swollen, or puffy gums
  • Bleeding gums, especially when brushing or flossing
  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • A dental abscess, pus-filled bumps or pimples between your teeth and gums
  • Falling or loose teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity and pain, especially when biting down
  • Receding gums – when gums pull away from teeth
  • A change in the way teeth or dentures fit
  • New spaces between teeth

Procedure for Periodontal Therapy

Gum or periodontal therapy involves several procedures, including:

  • Initial consultation

Once you visit the dentist or periodontist for gum disease treatment, they will begin by examining your gums and mouth to understand your condition to determine the best approaches to restore the health of your gums and mouth.

  • Dental Scaling and Root Planing

Dental scaling and root planing is a common periodontal therapy for mild to moderate gum disease. Dental scaling involves using special dental tools to remove debris, plaque, and tartar buildup from the teeth’s surface and below and above the gum line. Root planing involves smoothening the roots’ surface, discouraging further plaque and tartar buildup, and allowing your gums to heal and snugly reattach to the teeth.

  • Periodontal Maintenance

After deep cleaning, the dentist recommends periodontal maintenance to constantly remove and prevent plaque and tartar buildup in the mouth. These treatments can be performed every three to four years to ensure gum disease doesn’t progress or recur.

  • Medication

Your dentist or periodontist can also recommend medications like topical or oral antibiotics to help eliminate and control bacteria. The medicines can also help ease discomfort and inflammation in the gums, allowing your gums to heal faster. The medications can be used alone or with other treatments like deep cleaning.

  • Surgical Treatments

The periodontist can recommend surgical intervention for severe gum disease that won’t respond to non-surgical treatments. Common surgical procedures for gum disease include flap surgery or pocket reduction, gum contouring, and tissue grafts to regenerate damaged or lost gum tissue or bone.

Periodontal Therapy Aftercare Tips

After gum therapy, proper care and maintenance are essential to promote gum healing and oral health. Common aftercare tips include:

  • Excellent oral hygiene. It is recommended that you brush at least twice daily, for at least two minutes, and floss daily to minimize or prevent bacterial deposits around the gums, which can cause gum disease to recur. Use a soft-bristled brush, brush gently, and use fluoride toothpaste.
  • Regular check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist monitors your gum healing and oral health and addresses potential issues. Similarly, the dentist will clean your teeth and around the gum line to remove bacterial buildup, which can exacerbate or recur gum disease.
  • Proper diet. Opt for soft, healthy, and non-spicy foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, and proteins to promote gum healing. Avoid or limit hard, crunchy, sugary, or acidic items as they can irritate the gums and exacerbate or cause gum disease.
  • Avoid tobacco. Smoking can reduce gum healing and encourage bacterial buildup in the mouth, worsening gum disease.

Are you looking for Periodontal Therapy in Concord, NH?

Periodontal therapy is essential to promote gum healing and prevent the progression of gum disease. For more information about periodontal therapy, contact Concord Dental Associates.

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